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Get our USDA Organic CBD, CBG, and CBN tinctures shipped nationwide |

About Us

First and foremost

We're a Farm

In 2010, Allan Gandelman founded Main Street Farms, a certified organic vegetable farm based in Cortland, NY. We still farm over 30 acres of organic vegetables every year that are distributed via our 500+ member CSA, farmers markets, local food shelves and food justice programs, and at sweetgreen. If you've had a salad at one of the sweetgreens in NYC, you've had some of our tasty organic carrots!

We found relief


In 2017, Allan got Lyme's Disease and started experiencing arthritic pain, insomnia, and lethargy. Doctor's had a hard time diagnosing him, and as his symptoms got worse, we considered shutting down the farm. That's when a former employee sent Allan a bottle of CBD from Colorado. Within a few months of practicing the Buhner Herbal Protocol with CBD, Allan's symptoms improved. Karli Miller-Hornick, who had been working on the farm growing the CSA membership, joined forces with Allan for a venture in growing, processing, manufacturing, and selling Hemp CBD products.

Our first sales were

At the Farmers Market

In 2018, we started selling our USDA Certified Organic CBD at local farmers markets alongside our veggies. Our first customers were our CSA members - and their feedback helped us refine the product and understand the needs of our audience. Since then we’ve grown our cannabis business to include hundreds of store placements nationwide, dozens of new employees, multiple cannabis brands (like Florist Farms), and an online community - a private Facebook group of more than 2,000 people who share their experiences and support one another in their journey.

We haven't strayed from

Our Organic and Regenerative Roots

Even with massive expansion underway, we are still and always will be committed to using regenerative farming practices that contribute a net-positive impact on our environment in every way. With each choice we make, we do our best to tend with care and consideration to the soil, the broader ecosystem, and the social community - from employees to local community to customers. We firmly believe that when one of us thrives, we all should.

Thank you for joining us

Allan & Karli